Happy Mothers’ Day! We salute all mothers on this day to recognize them and all the efforts they have made on behalf of the rest of us, especially in the many ways that they have sacrificed themselves for us and given us life.
Презентація «Лицарів Колумба». Усі парафіяни запрошуються до церковного залу на каву після служби божої.
The traditional coffee and donuts in the church basement after Sunday 9:30am divine liturgy resumes today. Everyone is invited to come downstairs and partake. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
There will be no lunch after the 11:30am Sunday divine liturgy today so that people can make other plans It will resume next week.
Традиційні українські гаївки відбудуться після Святої Літургії (9.30) 15-го травня на церковному подвір’ї які проведе Пласт.
Traditional Ukrainian Eastertime Haivky songs, along with choreography, will take place on the church grounds after the 9:30am divine liturgy on Sunday, May 15.
Kitchen supplies for free: A few have been left downstairs. Feel free to take what you would like.
The 25th National March for Life in Ottawa will take place on Parliament Hill on Thursday, May 12. All Knights, their wives, and their families are encouraged to participate in this historic opportunity to advocate for laws respecting the dignity and worth of every human life from conception to natural death. Additional events are also planned during the week of the March including a Youth Summit followed by a Candlelight Vigil (May 11) and Masses (May 12).
The next parish Senior’s Club meeting will take place via Zoom at 7:00pm on Thursday, May 25. Anyone who would like to join this meeting who has not done so in the past can send their request to do so to
CNEWA – the Catholic Near East Welfare Association is an appropriate recipient for humanitarian donations intended for Ukraine:
To those who wish to help Ukraine and its people we suggest donating to the Catholic Near East Association
(CNEWA) which works directly with Caritas Ukraine. Please donate to CNEWA through our Basilian Parishes or directly online: