Church Bulletin for May 29, 2022
Оголошення Announcements
Today is the Annual Women’s League Day.
The Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada is the official organization of Ukrainian Catholic lay women in Canada. The organization has had a Branch in our Ottawa parish for 77 years. The league is one of the main organizations which help the church through volunteer work and fundraising.
The annual UCWLC DAY is being observed this Sunday by members participating at the 9:30am liturgy. The liturgy will include prayers for the organization, especially for God’s blessings and support of their work in the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The liturgy will be followed by a group photograph and a gathering with coffee and refreshments. All parishioners are invited to come downstairs to join the UCWLC and Father Ireneus, the Branch’s Spiritual Advisor for the gathering.
Because is is the month of May, a Marian moleben services will be celebrated at 7pm on Tuesday, May 31.
Thank you to all who participated in the parish’s spring garden cleanu-up. The gardens around the church will need continuous maintenance through the summer. We are also looking for volunteers to help with mowing the lawns around the church. If you would like to help, please call Sally 613-834-4746 or Luba 613-744-1417.
Memorial Parastas Service and Blessing of Graves will take place at 2pm, Saturday, June 4 at Pinecrest Cemetery, and 2pm, Sunday, June 5 at Notre Dame Cemetery. You are welcome to submit the names of your deceased loved ones for commemoration at either one of the parastases. Email them to:
Note that the parish keeps a record of family members commemorated in previous years, so if you have submitted the names of your loved ones in previous years, just notify us to commemorate them. You don’t have to submit any names unless someone in your family passed away in the last year, and we don’t know about them yet.
We commend to your prayers the souls of the servants of God Daria Borowyk and May McAinsh, who passed away last week. Daria Borowyk’s funeral service will take place in our church at 10am on Friday, June 3. Mary McAinsh’s service is still to be announced.
Fr. Ignatius Holowaychuk, OSBM, who was pastor of the Shrine, passed away in Mundare, AB, on Wednesday, May 18. His funeral took place on May 24 and May 25. He is buried at Sts. Peter & Paul cemetery, a few kilometers outside of Mundare.
Most Reverend Bryan Bayda will be installed as the Ukrainian Catholic bishop of Toronto on Monday, June 27, 2022. He will now be our official bishop and not just an administrator.