Church Bulletin For June 12, 2022
Оголошення Announcements
First Solemn Holy Communion for the 11:30am Sunday Liturgy takes place today. Here are the names of the children who will be receiving these sacraments:
Emilia Baran
Élie Bastien
Edith Coleman
William Coleman
Desmond Geraghty
Braxton Vasyl Hofmeister
Layla MacKay
Asher Yawney
Leena Yawney
All participants in the 11:30am liturgy today are invited to participate in the pot luck lunch that will follow the liturgy. If you come, please bring a salad, main dish, or dessert.
We commend to your prayers the souls of the servants of God Osypa Komarynksy. Her funeral services will take place today, Sunday, June 12 at 7pm at McEvoy Shields funeral home and at 10am tomorrow, Monday, June 13 in church.
Our Parish Praznyk will be celebrated on Sunday, June 26th with a single bilingual divine liturgy at 10:30am, followed by a barbeque outside the church.
The Feast of the chief apostles Sts. Peter and Paul takes place June 29th on the Gregorian calendar. Because it is one of the chief feasts of the year, please come to divine liturgy that day at 7pm.
Most Reverend Bryan Bayda will be installed as the Ukrainian Catholic bishop of Toronto on Monday, June 27, 2022. Fr.’s Joachim and Ireneus will travel to St. Peter & Paul’s parish in Scarborough for the installation.
The Shrine has concluded an agreement with UCC Ottawa to work with them in setting up and running an office to provide settlement assistance to Ukrainian displaced persons arriving in Ottawa. The office will be located within the premises of the Maidan Marketplace space in Westgate Shopping Centre on Carling Avenue. If you would like to support the settlement assistance office, you can make a donation to “St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine,” and write “Settlement Assistance Office” in the memo field of the cheque. The Ottawa Community Foundation has already given a grant of $20,000 to set up the office and hire staff members. The O.C.F. will be giving grants of money to support the office on an ongoing basis.
The Ukrainian Credit Union (UCU) has a career opportunity for a part time position at their branch here in Ottawa. Under the direction of the Branch manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing a full range of services. For consideration, please submit your resume, specifying the Ottawa location, by email to Andrew Rozanec, Human Resources Manager, no later than Friday, July 1, 2022.
The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute presents
Study Days • July 15-17, 2022
At the University of Toronto
Keynote Speakers:
Rev. Dr. John Behr
University of Aberdeen
“Reason Persuading Necessity: Gregory of Nyssa on the Human Being”
Professor Lewis Ayres
Durham University
“Justinian’s Vision of Christ: Necessary for Orthodoxy Today?”
Register online at:
$175 (Early Bird, up to May 30) or $200 (May 31 onward)
Fee includes the full range of workshop speakers, works, and meals
On campus housing is available. For inquiries and rates, contact us at
The perfect antidote to isolation!