Church Bulletin for May 1, 2022
Оголошення Announcements
Today, Sunday, May 1, many roads in Ottawa will be closed due to the CN Cycle for CHEO fundraising event. Local to the church, Prince of Wales Drive will be partially closed, and access to our church will be available only if you travel northbound on Prince of Wales Drive from Heron Road.
His Excellency Bryan Bayda, was appointed by on April 28 th the Holy Father, Pope Francis as Bishop of the Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada, following the recommendation of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in this matter. He is no longer just the administrator of our eparchy. His Beatitude Sviatoslav has called Bishop Bryan with a message of congratulations, and conveyed his blessings and prayers for all the clergy and faithful of our Eparchy.
Let us support Bishop Bryan with our prayers as in the months to come he bids his beloved Eparchy of Saskatoon farewell, and prepares to take permanent residence in an Eparchy he has already visited extensively and come to love over the past two and a half years. Plans for his episcopal installation will be communicated once they are finalized.
Also, please keep in your prayers His Grace, Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, OSBM, who has been appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Eparchy of Saskatoon by the Holy Father.
Lunchtime after 11:30am Sunday divine liturgies has now resumed in the same way it used to take place in the church basement prior to the enactment of Covid restrictions. Feel free to participate or to volunteer.
Kitchen supplies for free: The main kitchen has been cleaned out and there are many extra bowls, platters, utensils etc that are not needed. Please feel free to take what you would like! You may even recognize something of your own! Two tables have been set up in the basement this Sunday and anything not taken will be donated.
The 25th National March for Life in Ottawa will take place on Parliament Hill on Thursday, May 12. All Knights, their wives, and their families are encouraged to participate in this historic opportunity to advocate for laws respecting the dignity and worth of every human life from conception to natural death. Additional events are also planned during the week of the March including a Youth Summit followed by a Candlelight Vigil (May 11) and Masses (May 12).
A divine liturgy raising funds for assistance for Ukraine will be celebrated at Divine Infant Roman Catholic church in Orleans Saturday, May 7. See details below. Funds collected will be forwarded to CNEWA, a Catholic church organization active in Ukraine.
The next parish Senior’s Club meeting will take place via Zoom at 7:00pm on Thursday, May 25. Anyone who would like to join this meeting who has not done so in the past can send their request to do so to
CNEWA – the Catholic Near East Welfare Association is an appropriate recipient for humanitarian donations intended for Ukraine:
To those who wish to help Ukraine and its people we suggest donating to the Catholic Near East Association (CNEWA) which works directly with Caritas Ukraine. Please donate to CNEWA through our Basilian Parishes or directly online:
From the beginning of the war, Basilian monasteries in western Ukraine have accepted many displaced families from the combat zones in eastern Ukraine. The Order also has monasteries in the eastern regions – let us keep our fathers and parishioners in our prayers.
Very Rev. Genesio Viomar, OSBM, the General Superior of the Order of St. Basil the Great, has announced: “The Basilian monasteries (in Ukraine) are ready to accept the refugees from the regions of Ukraine that are engulfed in the war. Although our abilities are limited, the doors of the monasteries are open to you, dear brothers and sisters.”
The Basilian Fathers of Canada also express our deep concern and request prayers for the end of the war in Ukraine. We pray for the innocent victims of war, among whom are many children, women and elderly people.
We call upon the parishioners of Basilian Parishes across Canada, as well as all who are interested, to help the forcibly displaced people in any way possible. As well please accept our heart-felt thanks for your support up to now.
God is with us!
Fr. Gabriel Haber, OSBM, Provincial Superior