The purpose of the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada is to unite and organize lay women of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Canada so that they may, through their united efforts and activities, express their commitment to Christian ideals and foster the development and maintenance of an economic and social atmosphere favourable to the Christian family.
Main Aims
1. Catholic Faith: To develop and enrich the religious and spiritual life of each member in the context of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, its liturgy, theology, spirituality and its practices and traditions.
2. Ukrainian Culture: To preserve, promote and develop Ukrainian heritage, language, culture, traditions and arts.
3. Social Development (Canadian citizenship)
(a) To broaden the understanding of Christian moral standards and values in everyday life, and to deepen the sense of civic responsibility among the members.
(b) To initiate and support social action programs, which exemplify Christian ideals and values of justice and love, particularly those related to the sanctity of human life and the sacredness of the family.
4. Charitable Activities: To participate in service to persons and society, in works of mercy for the poor and the sick, in works of charity and mutual aid intended to address human needs of every kind, as well as in assistance to groups and communities.
UCWLC – Ottawa Branch
The UCWLC was organized nationally in 1944 and the Ottawa Branch was established in 1945, The Branch currently has 80 members. It supports the Parish financially, spiritually and socially by organizing bazaars twice yearly, at Christmas and Easter, and engaging in other fundraising activities; promoting Ukrainian cultural traditions, such as culinary arts and embroidery; and participating in the Shrine’s liturgical and social life. Most recently, League members have been working to assist Ukrainian women and families who have come to Ottawa following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Membership in the League is open to all women who are members of the Parish. League meetings and activities are held in English and Ukrainian.
For questions about the League, or information on becoming a member, contact: ottawa.ucwlc@gmail.com